A developer has submitted plans to remove hedgerow lining Nell Lane. Kitty Speakman has been working to make residents aware of the destructive plans.
The plans are to provide access to a new housing development, which could be provided from other nearby residential roads.
“Nell lane is used by many locals as access to Cuerden Valley and it is teaming with wildlife.” says Kitty.
“The lane is barely wide enough for 2 cars and has no footpath so is not suitable for access to a development of 115 houses. We’ve been in touch with Chorley Borough Council to raise our concerns over the loss of habitat, safety issues and potential pollution increase in this local rural area.”
If you would like to help us protect these trees please post an objection through the council website before the 25th May. We have included a template letter which you are welcome to use.
If you’d like to help us protect these trees please post an objection through the council website –
Application no: 20/00377/FULMAJ
Download our template objection letter below: