Welcome to Chorley Green Party

We’re an active and friendly group of Green Party members in the Borough of Chorley. We hold a range of events throughout the year – from campaigning, to meetings, to social events.

Help get Greens elected in Chorley

Latest News

  • Thank You Chorley
    by Sef_C
    Thank you to all our voters in Chorley for giving us our best result yet in a General Election by voting for Green candidate Mark Tebbutt.
  • Green Party Manifesto top of rankings
    by Sef_C
    Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace analysed political parties’ election manifestos and the Green Party manifesto came out on top.
  • Action Day Brighton!
    by Sef_C
    Madeleine Houghton from Chorley Green Party travelled to Brighton to join in with campaigning there on 22 June. As well as meeting with lots of other Green supporters, Madeleine also sent us these surprise celebrity snaps. Actor and comedian Steve Coogan joined campaigners to show support for Sian Berry, the candidate for Brighton Pavilion.
  • Action day Ledbury!
    by Sef_C
    Chorley Green Party members went to Herefordshire to help with campaigning there. It was an early start but a great day working on the Greens’ campaign to get Ellie Chowns elected in Herefordshire. The Green Party regularly hold National Action Days where members from all over the country can join in and help out.
  • Hustings
    by Sef_C
    Chorley Trades Union Congress (TUC) held a hustings at the Royal British Legion in Coppull on 19th June. Of the various candidates standing in Chorley, only the Green Party candidate, Mark Tebbutt, and the Chorley Trades Union Congress and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) candidate, Martin Powell-Davies, attended, though the other candidates were invited. Mark and Martin had seven minutes each to introduce themselves and their aims for Chorley, should they be elected as Chorley’s MP, followed by questions from the audience.

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