Green Party Select local air pollution campaigner as candidate for next General Election

Green Party Select local air pollution campaigner as candidate for next General Election

Chorley Green Party have selected local air pollution campaigner Mark Tebbutt as their parliamentary candidate for the next General Election. Mark was selected by Green Party members in a vote in December.

The date of the next General Election has not been announced, but will be at the very latest January 2025, and could be earlier. [Edit – this article was written before the date of the General Election was announced as 4th July 2024. A more recent article can be found here.]

Mark said: “I’m so honoured to have been selected as the Green Party candidate for Chorley. Many people feel like they’ve had their vote taken away as Labour, Tories and Lib Dems chose not to stand against the Speaker in the last General Election. But we will make sure people have another option and can have a say on who speaks for Chorley. I’ll be standing for protecting our crippled public services and putting climate change, and a sustainable future, at the top of the political agenda.”

Mark is Chorley born and bred and ran the Broadband 4 Brinscall campaign back in 2002, helping to bring broadband to Brinscall and the surrounding villages for the first time. He has been monitoring air pollution in the borough since October 2017, lobbying both Chorley and Lancashire County Council to start monitoring particulate air pollution, and campaigning for Chorley Council to invest in real time monitors.

Mark tweets frequently about these issues and can be followed on @mwt2008.

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